Skin Spring Cleaning Playlist

Skin Spring Cleaning Playlist

Posted by Curtis on on Apr 8th 2016

It’s that time of the year again: you’re rummaging through your closet to switch out your warm winter coats and boots for your summer dresses, and you’ve finally gotten around to sweeping under your bed (and found that late night snack you snuck up into your room last January). Oh yeah, we’ve all been there, don’t deny it!

While we’re all busy hustling about our house, getting everything spotless, we sometimes forget to clean a very important part of ourselves…. No, it’s not your spirit (that’s for the next blog post). It’s the largest organ on the human body: your skin. Between work, school, and life, we sometimes forget to pamper our skin. I mean, how do you expect your highlight to be on point, and your contour on fleek if the base of all your YouTube makeup techniques isn’t nurtured and glowing?

Ladies and gents, don’t be frightened, after you’ve finished mopping the floors and dusting the rugs at your palace, take a moment for yourself to pamper your beautiful face. We’re here to tell you the step-by-step (shout out to my NKOB boys!) to an evening of cleansing and pampering! And, as an added bonus, we’ve created the perfect upbeat playlist, because who wouldn’t want background music in their life to make them feel like they’re in a movie?

So once you’ve washed all the dust bunny remains off, get into some clean comfy clothes and step into your chic spa, your bathroom. (Unless you actually have an extremely high end spa in your home, props to you!) We highly recommend you start your routine with a cleanser. Your pores need a good deep cleaning, just like you did previously with your closet! Any good cleanser will work, but here we recommend you use our Cactus2O Purifying Cleanser. It’s strong enough to remove any unwanted dirt and oil from your face, but gentle enough to hydrate your skin and leave it feeling fresh and tingly. Rub this cleanser on your gorgeous face, and rinse it off. Of course, you could do this like they do on TV and splash water on your face, but the aftermath clean-up is all on you, Glen Coco!

Once you’ve patted your skin dry, it’s time to tone. Yes, ladies and gents, your skin needs to tone, just like your muscles with all the squats and sit ups you do at the gym. Grab a clean cotton ball and a great toner, like our Cactus2O Replenishing Toner. Dampen the cotton ball or pad, and rub it over your face (while avoiding your eyes). This toner will tighten your pores, and minimize any signs of aging. While the toner dries, take a moment to sing along to our playlist and pretend you’re totally rocking out to a room full of adoring fans. (Our personal fav karaoke song is Pharrel’s Happy).

So now you’ve taken your last bows and your face is dry, and the crowd is asking for an encore, but there’s no time for that! It’s moisturizer time! Grab a good moisturizer (we recommend our Cactus2O Revitalizing Lotion and gently massage it into your skin to seal the deal.

Congrats, boys and girls you’ve successfully cleaned and pampered your skin, and it is eternally grateful. It will demonstrate its gratitude on that really hectic day you decide to run over to your favorite coffee shop sans makeup and you bump into your really attractive crush. They’ll totally see your gorgeous, glowing skin and fall head over heels (insert dreamy background music). Or just any day you decide to let your natural beauty show, oh baby, it’s going to glow for the world to see!

For an extra kick, you can take a little more R&R time for yourself, apply a beauty mask, such as our Cactus2O Silk Hydration Mask, kick back, and catch up on your favorite TV shows. TV not your thing? Well, you still have our Spotify playlist blasting in the background, so grab your make-shift microphone (hairbrushes are acceptable) and give your fans the encore they were dying for.

Have a wonderful time pampering gals and pals, and don’t forget to Be-You-Tiful! Until next time, toodles!